Using metadata from Thu Jul 27 14:49:13 2017
Gitkraken tutorial install#
~]# dnf install libXScrnSaverĮxtra Packages for E100% 901 kB/s | 4.2 MB 00:00 ETAĮxtra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - x86_64 254 kB/s | 13 MB 00:52 Then use the dnf to install libXscrnsave and execute the following command. Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile To start with the installation procedure, install dnf using the yum command as follows. This tutorial covers the installation procedure of Gitkraken on CentOS 7. Some of the important features are that the user can rename the local branches of the Git and also allows to fix any typo mistakes when creating the local branches. It integrates with GitHub, processes the Git commands very fastly. Gitkraken is a freemium, fully-featured, cross-platform Git desktop client.